Our Mission is to seek God and serve people through Gathering together, Glorifying Jesus, Growing in Faith, Giving of self, and Going into the world
What To Expect on Sundays
Sunday Mornings
Come for Sunday School at 9:45am or make it to the 10:45am Worship Service.
Music: We worship the creator of the universe. We play both traditional and contemporary music during worship services.
Attire: Come as you are, just come in clothes.
5:30pm Bible Study & PRAYER
We are blessed to have several excellent preachers in our congregation. Sunday evenings are led each week by a different teacher/preacher. Itis aa blessing to hear the various styles who share one spirit in Christ.
What to Expect on Wednesdays
Kids & Teens meet in the Activity Center and Youth building for pre-service games. Doors Open at 6:00pm
Nursery: available in the kids’ wing.
Kids Ministry: Children are separated into different classrooms for age-appropriate discipleship.
Youth Ministries: Teens 6-12th grade meet in the youth building behind the church. Concessions are available for purchase.
Adult Class: Adults gather in the fellowship hall for the weekly Bible study with Pastor Joe.
Sunday School
Kid & Nursery: All children have Sunday School in the Children’s Wing
Youth: Teens from 6th-12th grade meet in the youth building, behind the Activity Center
Adults: There are 3 wonderful adult classes. One is in the fellowship hall, One is in the Activity Center, and the Young Adults meet in the coffee room
Prime Timers
Our adults 55+ get together for various events and fellowships.
Kids Church
Kids church meet every Sunday in the Kids Wing.
Every 1st Sunday, the kids will be in the sanctuary for our monthly family service.
Boys & Girls Ministries
Every Wednesday at 6:30, the kids have fun and learn about Jesus in classes designed for their age groups